Archive for the ‘Movie Musings’ Category

Coming to Theaters: October Baby

Posted: February 27, 2012 by Brett Kunkle in Do the Right Thing, Events, Movie Musings

Mark your calendars for March 23. That’s when a new movie, October Baby, will hit movie screens.  I was able to preview the film last week and I suggest you go see this one in the theater.  I’ll be up front, it is a strong pro-life movie dealing head-on with abortion.  But it was powerful and compelling, without being preachy.  The message comes through loud and clear, but in a way that stirred my soul (yes, yes…I cried like 4 times — it was intense).  And ultimately, the message is hopeful.

It’s exactly the kind of thing the pro-life movement needs more of to make a compelling argument in the broader culture.  It raises important questions like:

  • Are there morally significant differences between an unborn baby and a newborn child?
  • Are there significant consequences for the mother who aborts her baby?
  • Is there hope and redemption for women who have had abortions?
  • How can adoption assist our pro-life efforts?
But it raises these questions naturally, in the context of the movie’s narrative, and suggests answers in the same way.

So take your friends, take your wife, take your kids (my 9 & 10 year old watched it with me), take your youth group, take some students, take whoever you can get to go with you and see October Baby on opening weekend.

Movie Musings: Wall Street 2

Posted: September 27, 2010 by Brett Kunkle in Movie Musings

I offer some thoughts on “Wall Street 2:  Money Never Sleeps,” which opened this weekend: