Muslim Role Play

Posted: October 26, 2011 by Alan Shlemon in Choosing My Religion
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I role-played a Muslim to a group of Christian high school students. The video got cut off after about 30 mins, but you get a feel for the Islamic arguments I throw at the class.

  1. larrylenard says:

    I wish we had the rest of the role play. I’d like to see how Alan explains the arguments against the very points he raises.

    • ladysusan says:

      the part he stated the bible admits there are things in it that are not correct, also states… ONLY the HOLY Spirit will reveal the truth. My God is big enough to correct His book and the Holy men of God that wrote it.

  2. ^ like :o)

    very well done, the arguments were just like muslim arguments that i’ve heard. Alan has certainly mastered their tactics. This class did quite a bit better than i would have expected though. Seems like they’ve had some of these discussions and dealt with challenges before. Great vid :o)