Challenge Response: Men Don’t Rise From the Dead

Posted: March 15, 2012 by Brett Kunkle in Jesus Changes Everything, Weekly Challenge

Special guest Sean McDowell helps answer this week’s challenge to the resurrection:

  1. Albert says:

    Great response!

  2. Brett Strong says:

    SHOCKING REPONSE TO: MEN DON’T RISE FROM THE GRAVE? (in this short rebuttal I shall 1st break down the Christian god then the NT Jesus; for all to clearly see) (Sean/Kunkle: please pass this unbeatable e-mail to anyone you please:-)

    1st of all Sean: god (be it the Christian god, Muslim god, Hindu god, Judaic god, etc) is all theory—complete speculation/pure guessing!
    **Sean: How the world began (from a religious or scientific point of view) is also theory—complete speculation/pure guessing!
    **Sean: Fine tuning…and? Again: to assign any god to it is also theory—complete speculation/pure guessing!
    **Sean: Morals…I don’t believe we have morals Sean…for we humans are mere mammals, primates, animals…and at the end of the day self preservation for ones self and/or ones clan rules the human heart as it does in all animals (we are no different!) …but yet again, to assign a god to what you call ‘morals’ is also theory—complete speculation/pure guessing!
    So Sean, there is no need to try to disprove a god exits or doesn’t exist (or talk possibility or probability that a god exists)…all one needs to do is admit hard-core reality!!! (no PhD required), that any god talk is theory—complete speculation/pure guessing…thus making your god angle inept and completely useless when you try to argue your case for a supernatural resurrection!
    Thus if you want to argue that god supernaturally raised Jesus from the grave, then you are arguing on the grounds of theory—complete speculation/pure guessing
    (Sean: that’s why Christianity is a faith religion [just like all religions!!!]; because there is no proof that any god lives, its all theory—complete speculation/pure guessing)!

    Here’s a SHOCKING history lesson for you Sean, your buddy Brett Kunkle and the students you guys mentor and teach (I TAUGHT THI ONE TO A SHOCKED GREG Koukl
    …a HISTORICAL FACT (when it comes to anything Jesus of the NT) is merely this: theory—complete speculation/pure guessing amongst PhD scholars (from William Lane Craig to Bart Ehrman; any Jesus talk, either as a mere man or a miracle worker is utterly theory—complete speculation/pure guessing) (just like the Christian god)!
    Why? Because 4 BCE to 30 AD ancient history (be it ancient Israel or worldwide) knows nothing of the NT Jesus…0 artifacts about the NT Jesus, 0 writings (and 0 even supposed writings) about the NT Jesus, 0 engraving about the NT Jesus, 0 coins about the NT Jesus…indeed, check any museum, university, religious institute in the world and the NT Jesus is missing from 4 BCE to 30 AD history (question Sean: how does an all-powerful god come to earth, rock an entire nation with millions of inhabitants for 3 years [as the gospels wildly claim], but yet comes up completely missing in recorded 4 BCE to 30 AD history? Hmmm? Sounds fishy to me)…thus the New Testament Jesus is literally theory—complete speculation/pure guessing (just like the Christian god), thus your case for a resurrected Jesus, by natural means or by supernatural means is likewise theory—complete speculation/pure guessing …thus your god/Jesus speeches is good for entertainment purposes only!!!!

    Brett Strong…the world’s leading agnostic/atheist debater the world has yet to know…visit my blog at …and be sure to click on: A Note to Christians

    Ps: Sean McDowell: you know I love you as a wonderful person (you have a pure heart and good intentions and you’re a family man like me; so what’ not to like about you!)…it’s just that you and Brett Kunkle put the challenge out there and Kunkle is always saying in these clips that the atheist got owned at the end of his cute clips so I wanted to personally own one of his clips

    FYI to all: I will only respond to Sean McDowell/Brett Kunkle/Alan Shoeman or the very cute Amy Hall …due to my time constraints …everyone have a great blesed day 🙂 and remember to smile alot and live a life of love!

  3. Mike Steffan says:

    Excuse me? did you just say “Live a life of love!”? – After saying that you don’t believe in morals, why are you now trying to impose your morality on me? Wow, what a hypocrite! But I’m not shocked – I’ve yet to meet a relativist who could live consistently within in their beliefs.

  4. Mike Steffan says:

    Oh, and one other thing Brett…repeating the phrase, “…is all theory—complete speculation/pure guessing!” is hardly an intelligent refutation to any argument. Pardon me if I’m not persuaded by your emotionally charged ramblings.

  5. Jack says:

    Well, I’m convinced, guess I’ll just nip off and become a Buddhist then….. unless your post “is literally theory—complete speculation/pure guessing”? 🙂

    And remember “Be Excellent to each other!”

  6. Jack says:

    (p.s. Just went to Brett’s site and I think we’ve all been scammed. 🙂 Pretty sure it’s a satire blog, like The Onion, at least that’s how it reads. Well done Brett, you got me! )

  7. Brett Strong: Based on your super intelligent rebuttle to this video I can’t say I have any reason to think that everything you just said does not also fall into the realm of “theory–complete speculation /pure guessing.” Thanks for refuting your own argument.

  8. Brett Strong says:

    One last thing: Concerning Sean McDowell/Brett Kunkle’s video titled: Men don’t rise from the Grave”:

    …3 more SHOCKING-SHOCKING-SHOCKING tidbits—from 3 top of the world PhD Christian Apologists

    #1…Dr. Gary Habermas shockingly admitted “I don’t think the resurrection can be proved!”…YIKES for you NT Jesus believers who base your life on the bible!!! (so what are you Christians believing then? Mere theory—complete speculation/pure guessing…ouch!

    #2…“Certainty imagination plays an important role in historical reconstruction” William Lane Craig…YIKES again for you NT Jesus believers (needing a whole lot of imagination for the reconstruction of the NT Jesus—per William Lane Craig/YIKES, YIKES, YIKES…and ouch)!!!

    And concerning the Christian god (the biggest whammy of all):

    #3…Dinesh D’Douza stated that he believed a god existed but ultimately confessed “I don’t know” (yikes!), therefore Dinesh said that, in some sense, he was an “agnostic” (yikes again!), just like the atheist he was debating; that’s why he said, concerning their debate about IS THERE GOD OUT THERE? “we are both reasoning in the dark”

    …bravo to Dinesh!!! For having the guts to come out and admit the truth, that the Christian god is mere theory—complete speculation/pure guessing

    Brett Strong…the world’s leading agnostic/atheist debater the world has yet to know…visit my blog at at …and be sure to click on: A Note to Christians

    PS: everyone have a great day and please keep worshiping and praising and living for your NT Jesus (and definitely do good deeds in his name [like feed the poor, etc]…

    …my whole point is to stop Christian dogmatism (like hell talk, you’re a sinner talk, god is made at you, empty your pockets for the church, etc)…but please keep all the love of Jesus, the forgiveness of Jesus, the heaven talk of Jesus (to go be with passed loved ones for eternity in heaven), the social gatherings on Sundays (called church), and like things (like Christian pop music [like Chris Tomlin]…I love Christian pop music [3rd day, Mercy Me, etc] …lets all together spread more love and less division amongst mankind 

  9. Brett Strong says:

    St Patrick’s Day Re-edit version (and thanks for all comments/keep them coming :-)…lets help STR/Brett Kunkle/Greg Koukl/Sean McDowell/and Mary Jo Sharp become even greater successes!!!

    Here we go (St Patrick’s Day Re-edit version [so please re-read this awesome post) :

    #1…Dr. Gary Habermas shockingly admitted “I don’t think the resurrection can be proved!”…YIKES for you NT Jesus believers who base your life on the bible!!! (So what are you Christian’s believing then? Mere theory—complete speculation/pure guessing [remember: it is claimed/speculated that Jesus walked this earth from 4 BCE to 30 AD; but in reality Jesus is shockingly not found/is totally missing from the 4 BCE to 30 AD Israeli and worldwide history [again: there is not a shred of physical evidence that places Jesus anywhere on earth from 4 BCE to 30 AD] as if Jesus is only a fictional character written on paper decades and centuries later]…ouch!)

    #2…“Certainty imagination plays an important role in historical reconstruction” William Lane Craig…lets be completely honest Mr Craig: since the on-paper NT Jesus character is not found [totally missing] in the time period it is said he supposedly lived in [4 BCE to 30 AD]; then any 4 BCE to 30 AD NT Jesus reconstruction is completely imaginary…that’s definitely a YIKES for you NT Jesus believers (needing 100% imagination for any ‘historical’ reconstruction of the on paper NT Jesus character—YIKES, YIKES, YIKES…and ouch)!!!
    And concerning the Christian god (the biggest whammy of all):

    #3…Dinesh D’Douza stated that he believed a god existed but ultimately confessed “I don’t know” (yikes!), therefore Dinesh said that, in some sense, he was an “agnostic” (yikes again!), just like the atheist he was debating; that’s why he said, concerning their debate about IS THERE GOD OUT THERE? “we are both reasoning in the dark”

    …bravo to Mr Dinesh!!! For having the guts to come out and admit the truth, that the Christian god is mere theory—complete speculation/pure guessing (that’s why Mr Dinesh [in being honest with the overflowing crowd] had to admit: “I don’t know” “agnostic” “we are both reasoning in the dark”)

    Brett Strong…the world’s leading agnostic/atheist debater the world has yet to know…visit my blog at at …and be sure to click on: A Note to Christians

    PS: everyone have a great day and please keep worshiping and praising and living for your NT Jesus (and definitely do good deeds in his name [like feed the poor, etc]…

    …my whole point is to stop Christian dogmatism (like hell talk, you’re a sinner talk, god is made at you, empty your pockets for the church, etc)…but please keep all the love of Jesus, the forgiveness of Jesus, the heaven talk of Jesus (to go be with passed loved ones for eternity in heaven), the social gatherings on Sundays (called church), and like things (like Christian pop music [like Chris Tomlin]…I love Christian pop music [3rd day, Mercy Me, etc] …lets all together spread more love and less division amongst mankind

    • Amy Hall says:

      Ahhhhh. So that’s why you thought I was “very cute.” You have me confused with Mary Jo! 🙂

      Brett, I’ll go through your comments and perhaps we’ll find one or two subjects for future challenges. In the meantime, you’re welcome to argue, but please don’t just use this forum to place advertisements for your website.


      • Brett Strong says:

        Ahh the great Amy Hall responds:-) … riddle me this Amy Hall (where in literature this is found, name it, and I will not post my blog-site on any comment ever again; fair enough?): “Your neck is as stately as an ivory tower. Your eyes are like the sparkling pools in Heshbon by the gate of Bath-rabbim. Your nose is as fine as the tower of Lebanon overlooking Damascus. Your head is as majestic as Mount Carmel, and the sheen of your hair radiates royalty”…didn’t Kunkle and Sean describe you this way on one of their videos (I can’t remember which one)?  anyways have a greaat day Amy Hall

  10. Billy Sparks says:

    Ah! To know the limits of knowledge, what an accomplishment!