Answer Every Defense for Abortion: Chart & Video

Posted: September 30, 2010 by Alan Shlemon in Do the Right Thing

It may seem like there are a myriad of defenses for abortion, but they fall into three categories. Here’s a simple way to visualize how to respond to them. Since there are only three kinds of defenses for abortion, there are only three kinds of responses to them.

Every defense for abortion either:

  1. Assumes the unborn is not a human being.
  2. Accepts the unborn is a human being, but denies it’s a person.
  3. Accepts the unborn is human being and a person, but argues that a woman’s bodily rights/autonomy trump the child’s rights.

The diagram below flowcharts these positions and offers a type of response to each. In other words, if you learn the three kinds of responses, then you’ll be prepared to respond to any defense for abortion. In my experience, 100% of the arguments I hear on the street fall into one of these three categories.

Click on the image below to enlarge.

While attending a recent bioethics class at Biola University, I was asked to explain this flowchart. The video of my explanation is below (I didn’t know I was going to present this to the class, otherwise I would have dressed more “professionally.” But don’t get me wrong, I’m all about promoting the Lakers.).

Here’s my off-the-cuff video explanation for this flowchart.

You may already be familiar with these three kinds of responses, but if not, learning them is quite feasible (Trot Out the Toddler, the scientific case that the unborn is human, the S.L.E.D. test, Taking the Roof Off, and responding to the violinist and bodily rights arguments have been explained by Stand to Reason (through Making Abortion Unthinkable) and many others). It’s just a matter of thinking through the flowchart when you’re in a conversation with an abortion-choice advocate, recognizing the position they’re taking, and then responding accordingly. Knowing this, you can respond to every defense they offer for abortion.

hile attending a recent bioethics class at Biola, I was asked to explain this flowchart. The video of my explanation is below (I didn’t know I was going to present this before the class, otherwise I would have dressed more “professionally.” But don’t get me wrong, I’m all about promoting the Lakers. And they are a “professional” basketball team, after all).

Here’s my off-the-cuff explanation for this flowchart.

You may already be familiar with these three kinds of responses, but if not, learning them is quite feasible (The scientific case that the unborn is human, the S.L.E.D. test, Taking the Roof Off, and responding to the violinist and bodily rights arguments have been explained by Stand to Reason (through Making Abortion Unthinkable), Pro-life training???, and many others). It’s just a matter of thinking through the flowchart when you’re in a conversation with an abortion-choice advocate, recognizing the position they’re taking, and then responding accordingly. Knowing this, you can respond to every defense they offer for abortion.

  1. […] Pro-Life Apologetic – Do you sometimes feel like you have no idea how to debate the issue of abortion?  Try this flow chart on for size. […]

  2. Nulono says:

    How is parental control of education libertarian? It assumes one person’s control of another person.

  3. […] at the Stand to Reason Place blog provides a helpful flow chart which groups defenses for abortion into 3 categories and lists how to respond to them using STR […]

  4. jesuslovingRN says:

    I appreciate this great video. I also worked hard when I was in college to show the illogical arguments that led anyone to consider abortion. I am now in my 50’s with 30 years experience as a nurse. I would challenge all young believers to put on the next step: love. Spend time listening compassionately to those who have chosen or are considering abortion. As one of my professors, Dr. Provonsha said, “Sex without lifelong committment of love” is the problem. Our Creator is compassionate to all of us that have bought into any of the enemies lies. The same holds true for homosexual fantasies or behaviors. Listen to people explain how they came to believe they were homosexual. Try to understand. It will fuel powerful prayers. People love to talk about their lives and struggles. You will lead some of these people to a life filled with love, mercy and grace thru the same power that raised Christ from the dead. Yes, logic helps. Overall, put on love.

  5. […] Here’s the main post, which contains: (H/T Life Training Institute) […]

  6. […] Answer Every Defense for Abortion: Chart & Video… by Alan Shlemon  It may seem like there are a myriad of defenses for abortion, but they fall into three categories. Here’s a simple way to visualize how to respond to them. Since there are only three kinds of defenses for abortion, there are only three kinds of responses to them. Read and view Here […]

  7. Samuel says:

    So how do you propose we feed these 43 million extra children per year? World poverty is bad enough as it is without you exacerbating it with your perceived righteousness.

    • Amy Hall says:

      Samuel, just as you would not consider killing born babies to keep down the population (and would not say you were in this way “exacerbating the problem with your perceived righteousness”), so killing unborn babies should not be a solution.

      But that aside, part of the problem is that you’re viewing people as mainly consumers rather than as creators. The food supply has increased over time, even though population has increased and farming is done in a smaller total area. This is because people have created new ways of farming that have created a greater abundance. When people are free to create in a free market where they’re able to enjoy the fruits of their labor, the greatest asset of the society is the people themselves.

      If you’re open to hearing an argument for this, I recommend this book.

      On the other hand, in a country where people are overly dependent on the government (and so the government drains more and more money from the people), the people are seen by the government mainly as consumers draining the country’s resources, and they think they have an interest in keeping the population numbers down. It’s a vicious cycle that can never lift the country out of poverty. When people are able to flourish in a country where there’s rule of law and private property is protected (including from the government), that’s when poverty decreases. And the more citizens you have participating in this, the more wealth will be created.

  8. Krysta says:

    I came across this link on Facebook and wanted you to know our pregnancy center will be sharing it through our monthly e-newsletter. Thanks for posting such a helpful resource.

  9. […] Leave a comment Go to comments Brett Kunkle says it better than I could: Last week Alan posted an excellent resource on answering pro-life objections.  This week Scott Klusendorf, founder and president of Life Training Institute and pro-life […]

  10. […] Kunkle. Brett pointed out that Alan Shlemon from Stand to Reason posted an excellent resource on responding to common objections to the pro-life argument, including this chart and a video explaining […]

  11. […] Answer Every Defense for Abortion: Chart & Video – STR Place Blog […]